Course Withdrawal (advisor)

A course withdrawal is when a student either withdraws himself/herself from a course or is administratively withdrawn; receiving a "W" or "WA" grade for the attempt at the course. The following scenarios are when a student can receive a "W" or a "WA" grade for a course:

Note: Students are expected to process any withdrawals through their student portal by the posted deadlines. Advisors are  permitted to withdraw a student per student's request but must explain all ramifications to student in regards to financial aid and completion rate.  They must document in CNS the information provided to the student.  

  • Student withdraws from an individual course by Monday of week 6 of the course. Students will complete this action through their Student Portal,  by submitting an AD - Course Withdrawal Request Form (ADWDRCRS) to the registrar by the withdrawal deadline or can request their Student Advisor withdraw them.  Student receives a "W"
  • Student fails to post attendance in a class for 21 consecutive days and is administratively withdrawn from the class by the registrar according to the CSU-Global attendance policy. Student receives a "WA"

Note: Depending on when the 21st day falls, a student could potentially receive a "WA" grade for a class even after the withdrawal deadline. 

  • Student requests, and is approved for, a Retroactive Withdrawal appeal
  • Student submits a University Withdrawal Form during a term and is then withdrawn from all current courses to receive "W" grades, as well as completely withdraw from the University

Since a "W" or "WA" can have a large impact on the student's financial aid and SAP status, as well as cause the student to pay for the class a second time, Advisors should encourage students to explore all other avenues prior to withdrawing. For a list of what to cover during a Withdrawal conversation, please see the following article