We would like to remind all students to be cautious when opening suspicious emails and to not click on any links in those emails which you are not expecting or familiar with. Opening these emails or clicking on a link in them can lead to your account being compromised and/or your account credentials being stolen if you enter them on a fictitious/spoofed website. We would also suggest that all users regularly reset their account passwords to prevent unauthorized access to their accounts. Below you can find some simple instructions on how to reset your account password through the CSU-Global Student Portal.
To ensure your account is secure and not being accessed without your knowledge, we highly encourage you to follow these reset procedures on a regular basis:
Resetting your password:
- Once logged into your Student Portal, click on your name in the top-right corner > choose Reset Password
- You will then enter your new password, twice, and save
- You will then need to be sure and update this password on any devices you use to access your CSU-Global account.
If you need any assistance we have 24/7 Technical Support teams available who can walk you through these procedures. You can access this through your Student Portal or call 877-960-2035 for immediate assistance.