Student Loan Entrance Counseling is an important required step in the financial aid process. We want to be sure that when you take out loans you fully understand what you're signing up for.
To access Entrance Counseling:
Log in to using your account details
Select "Loans and Grants" on the top navigation bar
Select " Loan Entrance Counseling" under "Get a Loan." From here, you will be able to:
Complete loan entrance counseling
View proof of counseling completion
Parents borrowing a Direct PLUS Loan to pay for their child's education are not required to complete entrance counseling unless the student is
a graduate or professional student who has not received PLUS loan previously.
To complete entrance counseling as an undergraduate student or graduate/professional student, you will need:
Approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. Entrance counseling must be completed in a single session.
Your login details. Students must log in using their own account information to complete Entrance Counseling. Use of another person's account constitutes fraud. Use only your own account information.
Name(s) of the school(s) you wish to notify of counseling completion
Your student account information
A copy of the financial aid offer letter from your school's financial aid office (if you have received it)
A listing of the tuition and fees for your school