Even though learning takes place online, CSU Global is made up of a lot of hardworking, caring, real people who are here to help you through every step of your academic journey.
There are many online resources to help you navigate your coursework, finances, educational planning, and more. But there are times when you just want to talk to someone. You can access contact information for all departments in the top right corner of the student portal by clicking on the ‘Contact Us’ button and using the drop down menu.
Let's take a look at some of the different people and the different departments at CSU Global who can help you along the way.
The first person is someone you have most likely already encountered, and that's your enrollment counselor. You are assigned an enrollment counselor at the start of your journey to help you through the admissions and enrollment processes.
Student Success
You will be assigned a student success counselor and your counselor will be your most important point of contact and serves to guide, support, and help you with any questions or concerns throughout your time at CSU Global. You can see your assigned success counselors' contact information on the left hand menu of the homepage of your student portal and schedule an appointment with them at a time that is convenient for you. General contact information for the Student Success Office is also available under the contact us bar.
Financial Aid
You may have already worked with a student finance specialist during the enrollment process to ensure your financing gets set up. Questions relating to your financial aid or educational financing in general can be directed to the student financial services department. Members of this department can help you with information and resources about all financial aid options.
Military Benefits
If you're using military benefits and have any questions, you can contact this department directly at military.benefits@csuglobal.edu.
Student Accounts
The student accounts department can assist with questions related to your payment and account balances. You can also find information about your personal account on the homepage of the student portal by clicking on ‘My account and financial aid’. Here you can see contact information, required documentation and student invoices. You can also view your account details and pay your balance from this screen.
Office of the Registrar
The Registrar’s office can help you with transcript and course credit questions. Contact them at registrar@csuglobal.edu.
Disability Services
If you need or want support for disabilities, we have a disability services office. You can email them or click on disability services on the left hand navigation column of the student portal to access disability services information and resources.
Tech Support
We have our tech support team to help troubleshoot in many areas, including CSU Global email and student portal access issues or problems with accessing your course and any content within your course. You can access this support in every course and from the student portal home page on the left hand navigation column under 24/7 Tech Support.
CSU Global’s Student Success office hours are Monday through Thursday, 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM and Fridays 6:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mountain Time. The office is closed on weekends and holidays, but staff members aim to respond to emails and voicemails within one business day.
We are all excited to have you here as a member of the CSU Global community so please reach out when you have questions or concerns. We are here to support you in achieving your academic goals!