Why can't I register for my class?

The most common reason you might not be able to register for a course is a hold on your account.  The "My Alerts" button on the student portal homepage will indicate if there are any holds on your account. You can click the "My Alerts" link for more information on any holds that may be on your account. 

Below are two of the most common holds. You can click on each to learn more.

  • Freshman Hold: Freshman students need to work with a Success Counselor on course registration until they satisfy the hold requirements 
  • Past Due Hold: Contact your Success Counselor or Student Accounts to discuss options in regards to this hold

If you do not have a hold on your account, the inability to register could be caused by a few other reasons:

  • Capstone Course: Only a Success Counselor can register you for a capstone course
  • SAP Warning: You will need a Success Counselor's assistance to help you get back to Good Academic Standing
  • SAP Probation: SAP Probation is the next level of SAP and requires an appeal before continuing in courses