CSU Global Payment Options:
Federal Financial Aid: The Federal Financial Aid programs offered at CSU Global include the Pell Grant and Direct Loans. Your eligibility for each financial aid type is determined based on your FAFSA. All financial aid packages must be approved and accepted prior to the start of the term, and your payment due dates may be deferred until 30 days into the final term of your academic year.
Employer Reimbursement: A variety of companies offer tuition reimbursement for their employees’ continued development. Please contact the HR Department at your work to see about availability and the process. If your employer will reimburse at least 50% of your total tuition, your payment due date may be deferred until 30 days after the term ends. All employer reimbursement deferment requests must be submitted and approved prior to the start of the term
Third Party Direct Billing: If you have made agreements with a 3rd party to pay educational expenses on your behalf, CSU Global can send bills directly to them. To use this payment option you must submit a LOC (letter of credit) every term you plan to use direct billing. You are still responsible for all remaining balances or uncovered tuition charges in the event of non-payment by the third party. All direct billing requests must be submitted and approved prior to the start of the term. Your payment due date may be deferred until 30 days after the term ends.
Cash Payment: Your payment option defaults to cash payment unless you are approved for another financing choice prior to the start of the term. Students with a valid SSN on file are expected to pay at least 50% of their tuition by the first day of the term and the remaining 50% is due 30 days into the term using one of the accepted payment methods. Students without a valid SSN on file with the university are required to pay 100% of their term charges by the first day of the term regardless of their preferred payment options.
Military Benefits: A variety of military benefits are available based on your status. CSU Global will defer payment 30 days after the end of the term for your benefits to process. Charges not covered by your military benefits are your responsibility as the student. All military benefits requests must be submitted and approved prior to the start of the term.
Scholarships: CSU Global students may apply for institutional scholarships offered by the university. Specific scholarship programs and deadlines are subject to change.