Financial Aid and SAP

Financial Aid and SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress)

Federal regulations and CSU-Global policy require that students who are receiving federal financial aid (FA) must make academic progress as defined by the Academic Expectations Policies 

Failure to make good academic progress while in SAP Warning may result in a students eligibility for FA to be suspended. When a student becomes ineligible for FA due to the SAP policy, they may be able to regain eligibility by a successful appeal based on an extenuating circumstance that occurred during the timeframe stated in their SAP Warning. 

**It is important to note students will most likely need to seek alternative financing options during the SAP Probation period, such as paying out of pocket or with a non-federal loan. Upon return to good academic standing, students may resume FA eligibility.

SAP Warning - Financial Aid Eligible

The first trimester that a student is unable to meet good academic standing requirements will result in a SAP Warning notice. In this SAP status, students will remain eligible for FA and have one trimester to return to good standing. 

SAP Probation - Financial Aid Ineligible

When a student moves to SAP Probation, they become ineligible for financial aid. There is a possibility to appeal when an extenuating circumstance occurred during the warning period. 

SAP Suspension - Financial Aid Ineligible

Students are not eligible for financial aid.