Exit Counseling provides important information you need to prepare to repay your federal student loans. Exit Counseling is offered whenever a student graduates, leaves school, or drops below a half-time enrollment status.
You will receive an email from CSU-Global at any of the times mentioned above notifying you of the option to complete Exit Counseling. If you are planning on returning to school and are just taking a break, you are not required to complete Exit Counseling; however, it's always an available option if you want to see current loan information.
Failure to repay your loans will affect your financial future. Students who default (fail to repay) on their federal student loans lose eligibility for future aid, including grants and other federal educational loans. It also impacts your credit history, which many private companies use to determine your ability to make payments on a vehicle and home purchase. Your credit history is even reviewed by some employers before they will hire you.
To complete Exit Counseling:
- Log into Studentaid.gov using your FSA ID.
- Once logged in, you will be able to:
- See your federal student loan information available in the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)
- Notify schools of counseling completion
- View proof of counseling completion
- Select Complete Counseling on the left-hand navigation bar
- Select Exit Counseling under Choose Counseling Type
- Once logged in, you will be able to: