How do I change my personal information with BankMobile?
If you have recently moved or need to change other demographic information with BankMobile, the simplest option is sign into your Vibe Account and update the information online.
Please note, only students who have already selected their refund preference will be able to update demographic information online. Click here for more information about how to set-up a refund preference if you haven't already: Setting up a BankMobile Vibe account.
- Start by going to
- Sign in using your email address and password
- At the top of the screen you'll see a "User Profile" option. If you click that button, you will be given the option to update your address, phone number, email address, and even your refund preference.
Be sure to contact BankMobile directly with additional questions or concerns about your account. You may also reach out to your Financial Aid Advisor for assistance.
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