Payment plans can be set-up in the student portal for past due balances only. Payment plans require a non-refundable $25 enrollment fee, and you will not be allowed to register for future courses until your account is paid in full.
To set up your payment plan:
1. Login to the Student Portal using your CSU-Global email address and password.
2. Click on "My Account and Financial Aid" in the options at the top of the page.
3. Click on “Pay My Tuition,” then “US Students.”
4. Click on “Make a Payment”
5. Click View Payment Plans on the left hand side of the next screen, then click View Payment Plan Options. A sidebar will appear on the right had side of the screen where you can scroll through payment plan options.
6. Click Enroll in Plan and follow the steps for plan setup.
7. If you have a past due balance in multiple terms, you are required to set up a payment plan for each one individually and pay the enrollment fee for each term. Repeat steps 5 & 6 until all payment plans are set up. The first payment is due 7 days from the day you agree to the plan.
Be sure to read all of the terms and conditions associated with the payment plan before you accept the agreement. There is a $25 fee for setting up a payment plan. Missing two payments may result in your account being referred to a collections agency. If you happen to run into any issues, please feel free to reach back out.
For assistance with setting up payment plans, please contact Student Accounts or your Student Advisor .