Resources for Coursework

Read below for information about policies and resources that are available for your coursework:

  • CSU Global Late Policy: All CSU Global students can use the late policy, which mainly applies to your Critical Thinking assignments. With the late policy, you are permitted a one-week (7 day) grace period to submit Critical Thinking assignments after the original due date without a penalty. Critical Thinking assignments submitted 8-14 days after the original due date will be accepted with a potential 10% grading penalty. The late policy does not extend beyond that last day of the term. If you are approved for an accommodation of Extended Time on Assignments, you can read on your Student Notification form how your accommodations work with the late policy.
  • CSU Global Incomplete Policy: The Incomplete Grade Contract allows for additional time after the end of the term (up to 4 weeks) to submit specific assignments from weeks 6-8.  To be eligible for an incomplete, you must have the potential to earn a passing grade in the course based on your work submitted in weeks 1-5 and potential points from assignments included in the incomplete request. To request an incomplete for a course, please contact your instructor directly before the end of the term. Accommodations do not impact eligibility or due dates for an incomplete.
  • Smarthinking is CSU Global’s free, online tutoring service. You can work with tutors in four ways: drop-in for a live session, make an appointment for a future session, submit essays for detailed review, or ask questions offline.
  • Through CSU Global’s Writing Center you can schedule an interactive consultation with a CSU Global Writing Coach or submit an assignment for review and feedback. The Writing Center also provides tutorials, templates and resources to help with citation, APA, and the writing process.
  • CSU Global Connect offers a variety of services to help with your professional success. You can access these services as a current student and as an alumni. Some of the resources provided through Connect include resume and cover letter review, career coaching and connecting with an alumni mentor! Through Connect, you can also access Employment Resources for Students with Disabilities. This section provides professional resources and information for students with disabilities in the following areas: 
    • Disability disclosure and accommodations in the workplace
    • Disability laws relating to the workplace, and how to have questions answered about your current work environment and your rights
    • Job search and internship resources for organizations dedicated to providing professional opportunities to individuals with disabilities
  • The Student Assistance Program offers immediate, confidential, free assistance in areas such as: mental health, finances, health and wellness, work-life balance, and grief and loss. The Student Assistance Program is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and includes a range of support from live assistance, online counseling, articles and seminars. 
  • The Assistive Tools & Resources page, hosted through the CSU Global Library, offers an extensive variety of resources available for students to access in the following categories: 
    • Information about free screen readers and text-to-speech generators
    • Graphic organizers and online proofreaders
    • Colorado community resources
    • Online resources which focus on equity and accessibility in areas like employment, postsecondary education, recreation and assistive technology
  • SensusAccess is a self-service, web-based application for converting documents into a variety of alternate media and accessible formats. So for example, you can convert a PDF document into an MP3 format. SensusAccess is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and is a free service for all CSU Global students! On the SensusAccess page in your portal, there is a short video tutorial on how to use this service. You can also email if you need assistance with using SensusAccess.