Filling out the FAFSA is easier than ever before! To find out what financial aid you may be eligible for, the application must be filled out annually, usually after you complete your taxes. Before getting started make sure to gather all the necessary information that the FAFSA will ask for.
Begin at First, you will create a login if you have not already done so. Next, login to the FAFSA with your account information and select the correct year for which you want to complete a FAFSA. The FAFSA fiscal year is from July 1 - June 30 of the following year. Many times there are 2 FAFSAs open to complete at one time, if you are not sure which FAFSA to complete please contact your student finance advisor. Next, you will answer a series of questions. Your tax information will be added to your FAFSA using a direct data exchange with the IRS that will automatically import your tax information for you. Once you have signed and submitted your completed FAFSA, you will receive an email letting you know it is processing after it has been successfully completed.
If you get need help during the process, the best place to get answers is right from the source! First, please use the help pages from the FAFSA website. If you still can't find the answers you need there, please reach out to your Student Finance Advisor.