Professional Pathway and Goal Planning Resources

Our top-ranked, career-relevant programs focus on outcomes after graduation, and are designed to help learners move forward today with the skills they need for tomorrow. In addition to our career readiness focus, our support services are here to partner with you throughout all aspects of your academic, personal, and professional journey. From preparing for your first job to developing an executive level resume, we have the tools and support to help you accomplish your goals! Please feel free to review some of the ways in which we can support you and your career success below:

Strengths & Career Interest Assessments

Identify your strengths and how they translate into the workforce or specific careers with the following resources: 

Career Exploration & Career Coaching

Explore different industries, career paths, labor market trends, and more with the following resources:

Identified your dream job and strengths but unsure what step to take next? Chat with a Career Coach to get firsthand guidance and support! Log into your Student Portal, create your CSU Global Connect account through the Career Center, then click on the link below to schedule a Career Coaching Appointment:

Identifying Soft Skills & Resume Development

What are your top soft skills and why are these important for your industry? Have you incorporated these into your resume? Identify what soft skills you have or explore the top soft skills needed in different professions using the following resources:

 Once you have developed your resume, submit your resume for a free review with our Career Center! Once logged into your Global Connect account, click on the link below to set up a resume review:

 Workshops & Internships

Through CSU Global Connect, you have access to the following resources that can help with the job searching process and developing experience through micro-internships. Once logged in to your Global Connect account, review these resources and more by clicking the links below:

 Mentoring & Alumni Networking

Mentorships and networking are key to developing relationships and connections with individuals within your industry. They are also a great way to learn about specific professions or roles from someone within the industry, and can lead to personal/professional opportunities. Learn more and connect with others in your field using the links below:

 Developing Professional Social Media Profiles

Social media is at the forefront of our society and many professions require a professional social media presence. Learn how to develop and strengthen your social media profiles with these wonderful tips and tricks: