Individual Writing Consultations
The CSU Global Writing Center, linked on the left-hand side of the Student Portal, offers 50-minute, one-on-one consultations with Writing Consultants, who are also teaching faculty. During these consultations, students can receive feedback and support on a variety of issues through video, audio, or chat. CSU Global students may reserve up to two (2) appointments per week and are able to schedule appointments as soon as the next day (for Drop Box appointments, students schedule same-day if at least three (3) hours in advance).
How to Schedule an Appointment
- Visit WCOnline to register your account and make appointments with CSU Global Writing Consultants.
- After you’ve logged into the scheduler, use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate schedule. If you want to meet with a consultant one on one, select the Live Appointments option. If you want a consultant to review your document and send you feedback, select the Drop Box option.
- After you’ve selected the appropriate dropdown menu, make sure that you are viewing the correct week and day/date. You can navigate to other days/weeks by using either the overhead calendars or the Next Week/Prev Week buttons.
- If you prefer a specific consultant, find the consultant’s name on the left-hand side and click a white box that corresponds with both the consultant and your desired appointment time. If you have no consultant preference, simply click a white box under your desired appointment time.
Full guidelines and expectations can be found in the Writing Consultations link on the Writing Center homepage.