New Articles

  1. Scholarship FAQs New

    Is the deadline to apply for a scholarship the same timeline each Trimester?  For example, is the cutoff always 2 weeks prior to the start of the A term?  Applications close the Sunday 2 weeks prior to the trimester start (A term) 2. When...
  2. Is there a summer trimester? Updated

    CSU-Global does not have an official "summer" trimester, but we do hold classes all year round. Our trimesters include Fall, Winter, and Spring options. The summer season often overlaps with CSU-Global's spring & fall trimesters. Please see t...
  3. HLC Report (October 2023)

  4. TurnItIn and AI Detection

    As a student, you will need to be aware of the plagiarism policy when submitting assignments. CSU Global defines plagiarism as "the adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, or statements of another person as one's own either knowingly, careless...
  5. Technology Requirements

    To complete CSU Global assignments and coursework, your desktop computer and laptop must meet these minimum requirements for hardware and software. Please note, although tablets or other mobile devices may meet these requirements, we do not recommen...
  6. State TA Application Periods

    Please visit the Colorado National Guard State TA website for information on current/upcoming semester application periods.  STATE TA FALL SEMESTER -  You must be registered in & apply for all courses that you plan to take in these terms by th...
  7. General Education Class Options Updated

    General Education Program The General Education Program at CSU Global provides undergraduate students with the necessary curriculum for state general education requirements in writing and communications, mathematics, arts and humanities, his...
  8. College Track Scholarship

    Golden Eagle Scholarship Guide Students.pdf
  9. Golden Eagle Scholarship

    Golden Eagle Scholarship Guide Students.pdf
  10. Current Learning Tools

    Below is the list of our managed tools. Managed tools are setup every term by Curriculum Operations. We also help resolve issues with these tools. If students experience any difficulties with these tools, opening a Helpdesk ticket is the best ...