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  1. What is SAP Probation? Updated

    You will be placed on SAP Probation if you fail to meet the minimum SAP standards while on SAP Warning . SAP Probation status is noted on the transcript until you return to Good Academic Standing . In addition, you will receive notification ...
  2. What is SAP Warning? Updated

    Students who fail to meet the minimum SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress) standards at the end of a trimester will be placed on SAP Warning for one trimester.  While on SAP Warning, students will need to work with their Success Counselor to p...
  3. What is Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)? Updated

    Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is a calculation run at the end of every trimester to determine if you are successfully meeting minimum standards in your coursework. These requirements include:  Grade Point Average (GPA), Course Completio...
  4. When is tuition due?

    Your tuition due date will depend on your financing option. Your tuition due date will be one of the following: Cash Pay   - 50% of tuition is due on the first day of class and the remainder is due within 30 days of the start of the term ...