What is ORT001?
ORT001 is a Canvas course that all new students are enrolled in once admitted. The course allows you to gain familiarity with the course room environment.
How can I access ORT001?
You can access ORT001 under the courses tab in Canvas. The practice course will be archived after your first term, but if you need to reference back to it, it will always be available in your archived course list. Access the archived course list by clicking 'All Courses' under your course list and then navigate to 'Past Enrollments'.
What is included in ORT001?
The course includes a practice discussion board, an interactive lecture, and a practice assignment allowing you to try Turnitin and APA formatting.
What is in the Interactive Lecture?
The interactive lecture provides you with valuable resources that will be useful throughout your CSU-Global journey including APA Help, an introduction to tutoring services available to you, links to the Student Help Center, and Orientation videos. You can also access answers to commonly asked questions regarding courses and "CSU-Global's Top 5 Tips for Success".