New Articles

  1. What is R2T4?

    What is R2T4? R2T4 refers to a federal policy called Return to Title IV funds , a calculation used to determine whether or not a student has “earned” all of his/her financial aid when they fail to complete their classes.  If you w...
  2. Financial Aid Deferment

    Financial Aid Deferment The "Financial Aid Deferment" status is granted to a student's account when there is scheduled financial aid present but the actual disbursement occurs after classes have begun, following the date specified in their ...
  3. Tuition Refund Policy

    Tuition Refund Policy When you're registered for a class you have a period of 7 days  from the first day of class to unregister  or "drop" from the class with no financial obligation and nothing listed on your official transcript.   This date...
  4. Students Without Social Security Number

    Students Without Social Security Number If you do not have or do not wish to provide a valid Social Security Number (SSN) then you will be required to pay the full cost of tuition by the first day of term.   Please note, you are responsi...
  5. Going Past due with Employer Reimbursement

    Going Past due with Employer Reimbursement While in an Employer Reimbursement tuition deferment status you have up to 30 days from the end of term to pay your tuition - please note that the last day of term is day one.  If CSU-Global has not rec...
  6. How to Use Employer Reimbursement - Tuition Reimbursement vs 3rd Party Direct Billing

    Employer Reimbursement Types: Tuition Reimbursement vs 3rd Party Direct Billing The difference between Tuition Reimbursement and 3 rd Party Direct Billing is in who makes the payment(s) to CSU-Global. The most common form of Employer Re...
  7. Who Qualifies for Employer Reimbursement?

    Who Qualifies for Employer Reimbursement? If your employer is willing to pay for your tuition, then you may qualify for Employer Reimbursement.  You will need to complete the Tuition Deferment Request Form, located in the Documents section of you...
  8. What is a Financial Aid Grace Period?

    What is a Financial Aid Grace Period? Students are given a 6 month grace period on each individual Federal Stafford loan borrowed before the loan goes into repayment. This grace period begins after you fall below half-time status as a stude...
  9. What is Exit Counseling?

    Exit Counseling provides important information you need to prepare to repay your federal student loans. Exit Counseling is offered whenever a student graduates, leaves school, or drops below a half-time enrollment status. You will receive an em...
  10. Loan Repayment Options

    Loan Repayment Options When you borrow Federal Financial Aid, you are offered the option to choose how your repay your loan. Keep in mind, many lenders will automatically place you into a repayment plan so you'll need to contact your lender...