New Articles

  1. Tutoring Services Updated

    Tutoring Services One of the many tools that CSU Global provides to you as a student is free tutoring services.  These tutoring services are offered through Pear Deck and may cover major, specialization, or general education-related topics.  Y...
  2. Financial Aid (Portal) Updated

    You are able to view your financial aid awards in your Student Portal under the "My Account and Financial Aid" tab > "Financial Aid."  From this section, you can see any future financial aid awards and a breakdown of how those awards are scheduled...
  3. Military Deferments

    Military Deferments Students who are using military benefits will see payments come in at various times over the course of a term or even after a term ends.  Depending on the specific military benefit you are using, you may be placed into a m...
  4. Military Payment Due Dates

    Military Payment Due Dates Each Military benefit has different processes and due dates for payment. See below for a list of most benefits and be sure to view the  Military Deferments article for more information about having your payment ...
  5. Military Tuition Discount

    Military Tuition Discount Students who are an active duty service member, a veteran, or a military spouse/dependent, may be eligible for a discounted tuition rate. The following documents are required before we can add the discount to your accou...
  6. Military Programs

    Military Programs Here at CSU-Global, we offer special military tuition rates for students and certain family members as well as scholarships. We accept tuition assistance for active duty service members as well as benefits for veterans. For...
  7. When is an R2T4 Balance Due?

    When is an R2T4 Balance Due? As with all balances, payment is due as soon as possible but may be deferred based on different circumstances. For example, students who have a balance due to an R2T4 calculation may be able to defer payments ...
  8. When is the R2T4 Calculation Completed?

    When is the R2T4 calculation completed? Due to Federal Regulations, CSU-Global must complete R2T4 calculations within 30 days of what is called the "Date of Determination (DOD)". The Date of Determination is approximately 14 days after a ...
  9. What is R2T4?

    What is R2T4? R2T4 refers to a federal policy called Return to Title IV funds , a calculation used to determine whether or not a student has “earned” all of his/her financial aid when they fail to complete their classes.  If you w...
  10. Financial Aid Deferment

    Financial Aid Deferment The "Financial Aid Deferment" status is granted to a student's account when there is scheduled financial aid present but the actual disbursement occurs after classes have begun, following the date specified in their ...