New Articles

  1. What is the difference between a term and a trimester? Updated

    There are 3 trimesters in a calendar year at CSU-Global: Fall trimester, Winter trimester, and Spring trimester. Each trimester is divided into 3 terms (A, B, C for Burgundy track students or B, C, D for Gold track students). Trimester - 16 week...
  2. Can my employer pay my tuition?

    Yes, your employer or a third-party may pay your tuition. They have several options on how to make a payment on your behalf. 1.   If your employer would like to pay by check, please see CAN I PAY WITH A CHECK ?  2.    If they would like to...
  3. Can I pay with a check?

    Yes, you can pay with a check .  Please make your check payable to Colorado State University Global and send to: CSU Global P.O. Box 735246 Dallas, TX 75373-5246             ...
  4. Can I register for classes with a past due hold?

    Students may not register if they have a past due hold on their account.  A student's balance must be paid in full or be eligible for tuition deferment/financial aid awards in order for the hold to be lifted and to be able to register for a future...
  5. Are books included with tuition?

    Books are not included in the price of your tuition.  Most students purchase/rent their books from a vendor of their choice.  On occasion, a book charge/material fee is automatically charged to your CSU Global account if the material is p...
  6. Are there any 1 or 2 credit-hour courses?

    Yes, we do have a couple 1 credit hour undergraduate course options. The course numbers and titles are listed below, please see the academic catalo g for course  descriptions.  4 week long 1 credit hour courses:  LIB300: Research in the...
  7. Submitting a Critical Thinking Assignment

    Critical Thinking Assignments There are several ways to submit an assignment: Click on Modules  ( located on the left-hand side of Canvas), followed by the corresponding module for the week OR Click on Assignment on the left hand ...
  8. How can I switch to a different instructor? Updated

    Instructors are assigned to their classes 10 days before the term starts.  In order to see who the instructor is for a class, students can go to their portal and click on scheduled courses tab 10 days before the term starts.  If a student is unhappy...
  9. What is an AV-Disbursement Hold?

    The AV-Disbursement Hold is added to financial aid student's accounts automatically when they fail to post in a course during the first week of a term.  To have this hold removed, you will need to make the first post in a course before the drop dat...
  10. Where can I find a course syllabus?

    You can access a course syllabus the Friday before a term begins.  The syllabus is made available through the course in Canvas. To access this you can click on Modules on the left hand side of Canvas.  From there, click on Course Information  a...