New Articles

  1. Where can I find grading rubrics?

    For critical thinking and portfolio assignments, the grading rubric can be found on the bottom of each assignment page. Just click the Assignments link at the left side of your course page, navigate to the specific assignment you're looking for, a...
  2. Where can I find my instructor's contact information?

    Contact information for all instructors will be posted in Canvas, under People  (left-hand side). The instructor's phone, email, and other information are typically in the first announcement as well welcoming you to the course .   ...
  3. How do I view instructor feedback?

    Students can view instructor feedback and general comments for each assignment through the Grades page in Canvas.  This page is located on the left-hand menu after logging in and there are several places to find feedback: After clicking "Grades,...
  4. When do grades post? Updated

    Grades for individual assignments are usually expected to be posted for courses within 96 hours after the due date. Instructors work diligently to meet these goals and will update the grade book in Canvas as soon as the grades are finalized.  ...
  5. Academic Calendar

    At CSU Global, we use a trimester calendar instead of semesters, and there are three 16-week trimesters in a full academic year -- for fall, winter, and spring. There's a one-week break between trimesters and an additional one-week break in the winte...
  6. What is my grade level? Updated

    Classification of undergraduate students is based on semester hours of credit earned as follows: Freshman: 0-29 credits earned Sophomore: 30-59 credits earned Junior: 60-89 credits earned Senior: 90+ credits e...
  7. How do I retake a course?

    How do I retake a course? If you do not receive a passing grade or you withdraw from your course, you may repeat the course one (1) time (tuition rates apply). Only the grade and credit for the most recent attempt will be used in c...
  8. How can I request an Incomplete? Updated

    An Incomplete can allow you to complete Critical Thinking and Mastery Exercises from weeks 6-8, and your final portfolio project up to 4 weeks after a course has ended. To be considered for an Incomplete, you must email a completed Incomplete R...
  9. GPA Calculation Updated

    Cumulative grade point average is calculated by dividing quality points earned by the number of attempted credit hours. Here is a chart showing the quality points for some common grades.  This chart does not show all CSU-Global grade options. ...
  10. What is the Grading Scale?

    Course grades are reported using the following scale: Grade Percent Quality Points A (Excellent) 95.0-100.0% 4.00 A- 90.0-94.9% 3.67 B+ 86.7-89.9% 3.33 ...